Tag Archive | travel

Bilbao to San Sebastian

The Basque country is incredibly beautiful and a great place to do some bike touring.  My friend Bill emailed me about a month ago and asked if I would meet him in Bilbao for some riding around.  Of course I couldn’t pass up the oportunity so we planned a little ride from Bilbao to San Sebastian along the coast. Because we were intent on riding as much trail as possible and riding without a real plan we turned a 100 kilometer ride into a 260 plus kilometer ride.  We also were trying to do the trip on the cheap so we ended up spending most of our nights sleeping in fields on the side of the road, one of which was very popular with the local wild pigs.  The adventure went off without a hitch and only one flat tire.  

Southern France in Spring

A few new pictures from our weekend in Southern France.  We had a little rain but it was still beautiful and full of flowers.  To see more photos from the weekend click the link: http://etoone.photoshelter.com/search?I_DSC=france&submit.x=0&submit.y=0&I_DSC_AND=t&_ACT=search


Hanging out in the airport

I’m headed to the US to prep some of the photos from India for a show. I’ll be there for a month working on my photos and visiting family. Drop me a line if anyone is going to be in the Wilmington or Winston Salem area.


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Indian Adventure

As some of you might know we (Amanda and Edwin) are planning to go to India! We are leaving May 1st and will return October 1st. Five months is a little too long to go and just hang out so we have arranged to volunteer with several different organizations (which is really wanted to do anyway). We will be starting with 2 months work in the north with the Navdanya organization, run by Vandana Shiva. http://navdanya.org/ Then we want to take a month to travel around a bit while possibly visiting a few other organizations. Starting in the end of July we will be in Jamked, 6 to 8 hours east of Bombay working with CRHP, a program I worked with in 1991 http://www.jamkhed.org/ .

If you would like to follows on our adventure we will be posting updates and pictures here on my blog: http://edwintoonephotography.posterous.com/

And by the way, if you just happen to be in India, look us up!

Edwin & Amanda

Com molts de vosaltres ja sabeu marxem cap a l???India! Marxarem l???1 de maig i tornem l???1 d???octubre. Estarem treballant com a voluntaris durant els primers dos mesos a les faldes de les Himalayes, la organitzaci?? Navdanya que porta l???activista Vandana Shiva (http://navdanya.org) dedicada a l???agricultura ecol??gica i la reserva de biodiversitat. Despr??s viatjarem durant un mes pel pa??s, on visitarem altres organitzacions. A finals de juliol estarem a Jamked, a unes 8 hores de Bombay, treballarem amb CHRP un programa sobre desenvolupament rural (http://www.jamkhed.org). On hi vaig treballar l???any 1991.

Si vols seguir les nostres aventures, enviarem actualitzacions if tos al meu blog: http://edwintoonephotography.posterous.com/

Per cert, si passeu per la India, aviseu!!

Edwin I Amanda